Conveniently located at 615 Scott in Kansas City, KS, we are able to provide precast structures to both Kansas and Missouri.
At Reliable Concrete Products we manufacture precast concrete in a variety of formats. If you don’t see what you’re needing on our Products page, please give us a call for a consultation.
Our Mission
Since 1971 we have been in business with the understanding that we treat our customers the way we want to be treated.
Give us a chance to show you why we live customer service.
Our Products
Precast Concrete Curb Inlets, Junction Boxes, Grate Inlets, Area Inlets, Drop Inlets, Manholes (Storm & Sanitary), Septic Tanks, Grease Interceptors, Meter Pits, Backflow Vaults, Parking Curbs, AC Pads, Risers, Precast Concrete Steps and Inlet Boxes